10 reasons why eLearning is essential for students!

Technology has the power to transform education. It is essential to bring it into the classroom to empower learning. Why?

  1. Students need to be engaged with what they are doing to improve learning outcomes – See technology engages them.
  2. Enables students to become thinkers/learners/risk takers in a sheltered environment.
  3. Learn not to rely on the teacher…be accountable themselves…become independent!
  4. Teaches digital literacy.
  5. Valuable employable skills in a digital world are learnt –appropriate online behaviour, good digital citizenship, cybersafety, plagiarism, working with virtual teams, self discipline in a virtual world, digital and global entrepreneurship, globalization etc eg  
  6. Broadens the horizons of many students as it exposes students to the world outside their city or country town.
  7. Fits in with Rural Education where students in small rural schools need no longer be disadvantaged by distance and isolation, as technology allows them to learn virtually and maintain their subject choices, allows eg  LOTE (languages other than English) and other specialist subjects to be taught across schools by a virtual teacher.
  8. Allows a mobile learning environment – anywhere, anytime, anyhow! (See Does mLearning make a difference?)
  9. Inspires students to seek more from school.
  10. Gets kids to go to school!

What further reasons could you add? Do you think eLearning is essential for students?

18 responses to “10 reasons why eLearning is essential for students!

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention 10 resons why eLearning is essential for students! | On an e-Journey with Generation Y -- Topsy.com

  2. Hi Anne,

    Such a great post! This message is something we’re both very passionate about getting across to other teachers.

    Interestingly, you included some reasons that are very important for secondary schools but less important for lower primary – ie. getting kids to go to school has never really been an issue with my grade twos however I am certain my students enjoy my classes more than they would have in my first year of teaching in 2004. Technology and all that is possible with technology is the reason! Needless to say, I enjoy teaching more now that I am using technology too – could that be another reason to add to the list? In November, I wrote a post about how technology saved my teaching career.

    I also recently wrote a post about how my students emergent literacy skills have really improved through blogging. Check out “Literacy Skills: How far they’ve come”
    I think this is an important reason for using eLearning in primary, and I guess secondary as well.

    I am always finding new reasons why eLearning is so great which I just love! I’m sure this post will inspire many teachers – well done, Anne. 🙂


  3. Thank you, Kathleen for this wonderful and supportive comment. I hope any other readers who visit this post, will check out your interesting posts on a similar topic. It has also made me realise how much I assume as a writer – that all who visit here, would know that I am a secondary teacher (althought I teach in a prep to year 12 school). What is it that happens to students in those early to middle years of secondary school to stifle that enjoyment of learning and joy in coming to school? There are many disengaged students in rural areas. I am sure that increasing use of and immersion of technology will help overcome this attitude.

  4. Pingback: Posts vía RSS » Blog Archive » 10 reasons why eLearning is essential for students! | On an e-Journey with Generation Y

  5. Pingback: 10 reasons why eLearning is essential for students! « Online Learning

  6. am I allowed to use this wordle in an assignment on digital learning? I am a first year primary student, and this would be great on my assignment webpage (properly referenced).

    • Thanks for leaving this request on my blog about eLearning and the reasons why we should use it in the classroom. Yes, you may use that wordle for your assignment. I like word clouds and if I cannot find a suitable picture or image, I will often create a word cloud out of appropriate text. If I remember correctly, I simply copied and pasted that whole blog post into wordle and created the word cloud that way. Thanks for acknowledging it and maybe you should also mention that it was made using http://www.wordle.net
      All the best with your studies and let me know if I can be of further help.

  7. Thank you for this blog post! I am currently participating in a seminar about e-learning in school and your post is a great entry point!
    I am looking forward to reading more posts of you! (as I am quite new in the Blog-World)

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  14. Reblogged this on Mary Job and commented:
    Great Post.

  15. E learning is very essential specially for rural kids as it is very difficult to get schools as well as quality teachers . This e learning will help those kids to learn the subject of there choice with interest without compromising on bring in rural . There are many examples of rural kids performing top in board exams which proves rural kids are not lacking backward . If given an attention and provided with well equipped staff they can just rock. This e learning is one just try .

  16. Murcha what a great post. E-learning is a powerful tool presently and even the learners and students who are lazy to read are now actively involved in doing activities voluntarily so without being pushed from behind. We as teachers have less work to do
    unlike previously where we were expected to do everything. Your post is motivating. Am I allowed to use this wording in my work and acknowledge your site. Juliet

    • Hi Juliet, thanks for reading my blog post and thanks also for asking permission to reuse a part of it. Yes, you may use the wording as long as you acknowledge the website. All the best.

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