
This great list was shared on ISTE Connects

Here’s the list of new tools:

  1. Adobe Spark – video, poster, and website design
  2. Audacity – audio production and editing
  3. Book Creator – design multimodal eBooks
  4. CoSpacesEDU – create mixed reality content
  5. Coursera – massive open online course provider
  6. Educreations – interactive whiteboard screen recorder
  7. Flipgrid – video-based discussion forums
  8. Formative – real-time assessment
  9. Google Sites – website design
  10. Google Tour Builder/Creator – virtual reality design
  11. LucidPress – graphic design (brochures, newsletters, magazines)
  12. Newsela – differentiated reading levels for the news
  13. Pencil Code – creative programming
  14. Powtoon – animated video design
  15. Remind – text-based messaging
  16. Slack – community tool for project management
  17. Socrative – interactive assessment
  18. Sutori – collaborative multimodal timeline design
  19. Sway (Microsoft) – presentation, newsletter, and document design
  20. Twiddla – real-time, collaborative virtual whiteboard
  21. Wakelet – information curation

Royalty Free Music

  1. Jewelbeat Royalty Free Music

Here are some of the software types I want to trial are:-

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