Daily Archives: July 28, 2010

eT@lking: Flat Classroom Projects and Global Collaboration

Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis were the guest presenters on eT@lking. These two innovative, creative, forward thinking teachers have created the Flat Classroom Projects. They have won many awards for their work and I love their mottos:- “Creating the Future” and “Building the Bridges of today that the society of tomorrow will walk across.” In this session, Vicki and Julie spoke about what is a flat classroom, how do you know when you have one, levels of collaboration and the seven steps to flatten your classroom. New projects will be commencing soon and there is  Flat Classroom Leadership Workshop and Summit coming up in Feb 2011 in Beijing, China.

Here is the link to the recording.

Tech Talk Tuesdays -What I do with Web2.0!

Jess McCulloch – an early uptaker of and innovator with web2.0, a young mother, a treasured colleague and vivacious presenter, talked about “My Use of Web 2.0”. Jess ably walked us through her blog and other favourite websites, featuring a number of web2.0 tools, answered questions and demonstrated their purpose. Jess talked about the Interactive Whiteboard Challenge which she organises and showed the wiki that is used for this project. Her audience came from a large number of countries – Germany, England, Canada, USA, Australia, Vietnam, South America and Ukraine. Listen to the recording.

From the chat: