Safer Internet Use Day – Online Rights and Responsibilities: Connect with Respect

Connect with Respect – the theme for  Safer Internet Use Day 2013

One of the first lessons to be taught in any subject is that of safety. My classes use the internet extensively and one of the first lessons each year concentrates on how to be safe online and when using mobile technology. This theme is reinforced throughout the year and teachable moments are used whenever possible..

Tuesday 5th February is declared Safer Internet Use Day for 2013. As it is the beginning of our school year in Australia, it comes at a very pertinent time. Here are some of the activities that we will be involved in and resources we will use.

  1. The international live internet radio broadcast on tomorrow’s Safer Internet Day from ACMA’s Cybersmart  online radio program at 4pm, Melbourne Australia time.
  2. Watch the video Safer Internet Day 2013 and Rights and Responsibilities
  3. Year 5 and 6 students will participate in a live webinar. This webinar  -is a partnership between  DEECD and ACMA and will involve more than 150 schools will be logged in to this event using Blackboard Collaborate. The presentation will focus on:- keeping passwords safe, dealing with cyberbullying, privacy settings for photos and sites, protecting yourself from scams, dealing with inappropriate content, securing your mobile phone and device.
  4. Follow the tweetfeed in tweetchat by inserting the hashtag #SID2013

Further activities

Create a word cloud using wordle:- Students will also brainstorm what they think of when they hear the words “Safer Internet Use Day”. They will take it in turns to add a word or thought to the whiteboard. When no more ideas, they will key the words into wordle and create a word cloud which will be added to their blogs in a post. See a student example below:-

wordle by lizzy

Collaborative Sourcing

A google document will be shared with students to add examples of a good and a poor password. They will then  be asked to choose the most secure password and give reasons why and also choose the least secure password and justify why.

What will you be doing? What resources will you be using or do you use to ensure students use the internet safely?

2 responses to “Safer Internet Use Day – Online Rights and Responsibilities: Connect with Respect

  1. Pingback: Safer Internet Day « Information-Systems

  2. Pingback: Notre droits et devoirs en ligne « Les réseaux sociaux et nous

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