Features of a good quality student blog….

This word cloud was created using wordle

The first part of this post is my answer to what are the……

 Features of a good quality student blog

  1. Good structure and layout, with appealing design and  theme
  2. Regularly uploaded and updated posts (should be at least once a week), showing  intellectual quality.
  3. Evidence of proof reading for accuracy, reliability and completeness.
  4. Appropriate language, bearing in mind digital citizenship status
  5. Posts of varying lengths with interestingly written content and work that reflects the best of student’s ability.
  6. A range of topics for the posts – could include curricular and non curricular activities.Use of essential and interesting sidebar widgets eg categories, search option, blogroll, links.
  7. A clustrmap and/or feedjit map and feeds Others may include weather pixie, a clock, feature slideshare presentations and  flickr etc  animated widgets, where appropriate.
  8. Presence of hyperlinks to give a richer depth allowing for further research, showing a degree of expertise on the topic
  9. A header with appropriate titles and images that relect something about the author eg a panoramic image showcasing where you live, interests, school pursuits etc.
  10. Addition of voluntary and student self-directed posts, showing personality of and ownership by student.
  11. Links to frequently used resources, class blog and teacher blogs
  12. Evidence of reflections
  13. Evidence of comments and conversations
  14. Blogroll of fellow bloggers – either in-house or global
  15. Frequent use of images and photos (preferably self taken), including graphs, wordle, clipart, cartoons, tag galaxy etc These should be ofappropriate format and size
  16. Addition of a number of pages, including ‘about me’, extra curricula activity involvement, my digital stories, photography, global projects etc
  17. Variety of multi media including voicethreads,  slideshare, podcasts, digital movies etc
  18. Appropriate acknowledgement of any copyright or creative commons materials used.
  19. User documentation instructing  the readers of the blog, to complete the same task. Eg how to add a tag galaxy.
  20. Full development of the  blog as a digital portfolio.

fRoM tHe StUdEnTs……

I asked my students to answer the same question and the points below summarize their answers……..

From year 9/10

  • good theme – eyecatching and colour
  • managed regularly and be kept up to date. People should make a post at least once a week
  • have good and/or interesting information in it and have comments on it..
  •  a bit of creative thought and care put into the making of it..
  • pictures
  • People expressing their thoughts

Grade 6 students were a lot more explicit with their answer to this question:-

  • Good work with lots of posts – at least one a week.You should explain your posts. Appropriate posts of what is happening at the time.
  • A few widgets eg clustrmap, feedjit – it makes you feel really good because people around the world are looking at you!
  • Some good games
  • Something that involves people (interactivity) eg polls, quizes
  • Getting comments from people all over the globe
  • Catergories so you can write about different topics.
  • Colourful, exiting things on your sidebar.
  • Lots of pictures. Eg pets, you, house. Have pictures of what is around you or what is happening at that time.
  • A catchy name, if somone typed Princess peaches blog there’s a pretty good chance that blog will come up.
  • Experiment with new things (Flag counter, voki’s stuff like that) Make your blog look fantastic!!!!!


See some good student blogs

8 responses to “Features of a good quality student blog….

  1. Pingback: Digi-Prints » Blog Post and Comment of the week

  2. Thank you for your post. I’ve just started my own blog, and this gives me many great ideas for things to add. You have articulated well what makes an interesting blog, and I now have no choice but to stay awake another 20 minutes researching something new to add to my blog! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Perspectance » Requiring students to blog; public? Or private?

  4. Pingback: What Does a Good Student Blog Look Like? | Taylor's Terrifically Tremendous Thoughts

  5. Pingback: What does a good student blog look like? | Stormye's Blog

  6. Pingback: What does a good student blog look like? | Amanda Earles

  7. this is a very nice blog. I am in school and about to learn how to make my own blog, and this is really helpful.

  8. Pingback: Blogging is “not dead”! | On an e-Journey with Generation Y

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