A Digital Toolbox for the 21st Century Learner

This week our presenter was Britt Gow who is an innovative science teacher teaching with me at Hawkesdale P12 College. She spoke on her adaptation of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy for the 21st Century.

  1. Remembering and Understanding – diigo, twitter, tweetdeckwordle, flashdb,delicious, skype, tokbox, wallwisher
  2. Applying and Analysing –animoto, wordle, flickr, bubbl.us, wallwisher, tagxedo, voicethread, mystudiyo, poll everywhere
  3. Evaluating and Creating: – flip video, google, storyjumper, comic life, podomatic,wikispaces, teachertube, bubbl.us, slideshare, blogs, Photo Story, Pivot Stick Figure etc

From the chat came the following:-

What a night we had! Technology was at its best or worst! Our powerpoint slides would not load properly, we got elluminate error messages, dropped in and out of elluminate a few times, but thanks to our patient participants, we continued on, using application sharing. The participants came from China, Japan, Australia, USA and  Norway.

Here is the link to the recording

8 responses to “A Digital Toolbox for the 21st Century Learner

  1. Thanks for this post Anne – it makes it really easy for people to access the tools we talked about on Elluminate. I really enjoyed the participation from novice and experienced users of Elluminate, as well as being able to share some of our favorite tools with interested educators. As I mentioned in the presentation, the Bloom’s Taxonomy was just used as a rough guide to organize how the tools might be used. Many of the tools can be used in different ways and require different levels of thinking skills. The best resource for this is the Ed Origami wiki at http://edorigami.wikispaces.com

  2. What an excellent round-up!

  3. Pingback: Tweets that mention A Digital Toolbox for the 21st Century Learner | On an e-journey with generation Y -- Topsy.com

  4. I find “Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy for the 21st Century” to be fascinating! Thanks for this information, and for the various links to related items.

  5. I found this ” http://edorigami.wikispaces.com” to be a very comprehensive and excellent link for the latest in 21st century learning. Indeed, there is so much to learn and catch up with all that’s happening in a digital environment in education! Thanks for sharing this info, Britt.

  6. Greetings,
    I am Mary and am into education. I really like this site and well done.
    Will definitely visit it more.
    Thank you

  7. Jennifer Pettyjohn

    I really like this site too. Yet, I wonder with all the talk about wiki in the news recently how does this affect the validity of this the resources that are provided by this site?

    • Hi Jennifer, Wikileaks has certainly provided us with an interesting dimension in the power of the internet. It has made us even more aware how transparent we can be. I think this is a good thing, and it certainly does not affect the validity of this site. The resources will always need to be double checked for validity and this is a necessary 21st century skill. Thank you for your comment.

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