What grade 6 students want on their class blog

what grade 6 want on their class blog 

Teachers should never under-estimate the ability of students. As all grade 6 students now have individual blogs, the ‘baby steps’ of introducing blogging are now showing fruit, with the grade 6 teacher Marg Murnane   commencing a personal blog . With Heather Blakey’s help , a techno6 class blog is now ‘work in progress’. The class was asked what they would like to see on this blog and their comments can be found in the word cloud above. Aren’t they great ideas?

The next step will be to determine which ideas should be categorised posts, pages, text widgets etc. Watch their class blog  to see how it develops over the next few months.

Nb I tried to embed a text cloud into the wordpress post, but had great difficulty. So, I created my own, by inserting individual text boxes into MS Powerpoint, saving it as a jpg and then inserting the image into the post.

One response to “What grade 6 students want on their class blog

  1. That’s really impressive Ann. Congratualtions to the students for generating such a range of ideas for inclusion on theirclass blog. I look forward to watching them develop their ideas.

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