Daily Archives: January 15, 2014

Getting to Know You MEME – Taking up the challenge

A special colleague, Theresa Allen, has tagged me in a meme. These are rather fun and a great way to get to know bloggers further.

Here’s how It Works:

  1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  4. List 11 bloggers.
  5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

11 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I initially wanted to be an air hostess. (Just as well  I didn’t as I can get really airsick especially when landing!)
  2. As I completed a commerce degree it was assumed I could teach typewriting (I had no idea how to type and had to teach myself fast!).  Then it was assumed I could teach computers. When I walked into that classroom of eager year 9 student computer users, it was the first time that I had seen a computer – commodore 64s!  I have always had to learn with the students.
  3. I love using technology and its use. Half my immediate family live overseas, so it is used intensively to keep up to date – viber, skype, email, facebook etc
  4. Twenty years ago, I fell of a bicycle, suffered severe concussion which has caused some memory loss, continued neck problems and made it difficult for me to do any heavy work in the garden – a hobby I love!
  5. I am really impatient in supermarket queues!
  6. I enjoy playing the piano and was musical director of many school musicals in years gone by including Grease, Joseph and his Technicolor Dreamcoat
  7. Living in an area where there are four seasons, gives me a lot of satisfaction – swimming in the sea (the Great Southern Ocean) in summer, watching the autumn leaves fall and often enjoying an Indian summer, sitting by our wood fires in winter, reading a book or working on my computer and enjoying the freshness of spring.
  8. My husband and I have four children – Jonathan, an engineer, living in Johannesburg, South Africa; Jason, assistant headmaster in a secondary school in London; Katherine, a landscape designer and James, a property valuer. Although I miss the two sons dearly, I like them living in two very ‘travellable and beautiful’ countries – London, UK and Johannesburg, South Africa. Great excuses for annual travelling! Travel is one of my passions but I have no desire to go to Antarctica or outer space!
  9. Roast lamb with roast vegies is my favourite meal.
  10. I love teaching, learning and try different things. Teaching with technology brings risk taking, impulse learning, teachable moments, a wonderful global network and I love seeing the growth in students over each year.

My answers to Theresa’s 11 questions:-

  1. If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be? Erase poverty – allowing all global citizens access to sufficient food, the right to education,  satisfying work etc
  2. Should people care more about doing the right thing, or doing things right? Why?  I prefer  the notion of “to do the right thing” or as far as is humanly possible as that will engender harmony, empathy and a peaceful existence. I often wish that I could do things right, but because I do make so many mistakes, I am continually learning and it will be the same for others.
  3. What things hold you back from doing the things that you really want to? Money! Always money. I love travelling, need to rennovate our home, would like a new car and a caravan etc but I shall keep on saving!
  4. What was/is your favorite class in college/university?  Why? Economic geography at Melbourne university was my favourite class. It was a really innovative subject for its time (early 1970’s) as it was individualized  learning. We would select our own times each week, sit down at a correll, listen to the recorded lecture and view the slides and photos (these were the days before computers)! Japan was the major country of study and it was fascinating way to learn rather than sit in huge lecture theatres and listen to a lecturer.
  5. What makes you, you? As an Aussie, I am easy going, love my family and friends,enjoy learning and living,have a good sense of humour, like the outdoors and socializing.
  6. What makes a good friend? Someone who is loyal, communicative, sociable, kind, caring and genuine.
  7. What is an important thing people should know about educators? That teaching is one very special profession and should be at the top or near the top of any respected professionals list.
  8. What is your favourite grade to teach?  Why? I love teaching secondary students, especially the year 12 students (approx 18 year olds). They can be reasoned with, are mature, show a greater desire to achieve well at school, will take on responsibilities and are ready to be prepared for the world of work.
  9. Who/what inspired you to be who you want to be or are today? My parents, especially my mother. Mum suffered from type 1 diabetes from the age of 23, lost her eyesight in later years, persevered through many health issues but never complained and was able to enjoy life through sheer determination. She was a loving mother who always put others before her own needs.
  10. What is the best age to be?  Why? A child aged 5 to 6- the age of innocence, make believe, freedom, lack of real responsibilities and the opening up of a whole world of learning.
  11. Where do you want to travel? Anywhere and everywhere! However, UK and Sth Africa are always special as our two sons live there. I would love to go to Sth America, Vietnam and many of the African countries.

The 11 bloggers I nominate:-

  1. Maria Colussa
  2. Britt Gow
  3. Jess McCulloch
  4. Mel Cashen
  5. Sue Wyatt
  6. Lois Smethurst
  7. Penny Bentley
  8. Coffeechug  (Aaron Maurer)
  9. Sebastian Panakal
  10. Rheinhard Marx
  11. Jasmine Shannon

11 questions for my selected bloggers! (These are a mix of original and previously asked questions)

  1. If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?
  2. If you could only read one blog this year, which would it be? Why?
  3. What is your favourite online tool and why?
  4. How do you learn best?
  5. Who/what inspired you to be who you want to be or are today?
  6. Favourite hobby?
  7. Where do you want to travel?
  8. What is the best book you have ever read?
  9. What kind of student were you?
  10. Do you have any pets? What are they?
  11. What is special about your culture?