10 things You Should Know About Class Blogs

Class Blogs are great! They can have real ‘class’! A class blog is created by a teacher and is often used as a platform for sharing class activities, writings, thoughts, reflections etc Here are 10 things you should know about them!

Please note: this post is in response to the first challenge in the 30 Day Blogging with Students

  1. They are the best starting point for blogging with students.
  2. Class blogs allow the teachers and students to learn together – how posts work, how comments work, how digital citizenship works, netiquette, appropriate digital footprints etc
  3. As the teacher can have full control, any difficulties and issues that might arise can be quickly dealt with.
  4. Students can gain their apprenticeship in blogging with a class blog, before getting a license to start their own blog.
  5. Once the teacher is ready for students to add posts directly they can be added in as editors  or another type of user.
  6. Teachable moments will arise, including blog titles, post content, commenting, adding appropriate comments, behaviour online, cyber safety, plaguarism etc.
  7. Class blogs a are a great platform for connection with parents, staff and the general community
  8. Pages on class blogs can feature many resources eg pages on cybersafety page, parent information page, timetable, homework etcA platform to ‘house’ links to most commonly used resources on a blog roll will allow quick access to online sites.
  9. Develops into a ‘brag bag’ or digital portfolio of a class’s year .
  10. Can become immersed in the classroom as a near complete learning management system, complete with lesson instructions, tutorials, resources, podcasts, reflections, feedback etc. It is available 24/7/365 for revision, lesson planning and more.

Do you have a class blog? What would you say is important to note about a class blog?

2 responses to “10 things You Should Know About Class Blogs

  1. Thanks, Anne, for another helpful post. I am still trying to learn as I go, and this helps me to clarify. I have one group of second year bloggers, and one group of brand new bloggers. I’m taking copious notes from you and others about how best to do this. Thanks again for your leadership.

  2. Pingback: Blog with students – Visit these Weeks 3/4 | Teacher Challenge

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