Our star “Day in A Sentence” goes orange


day-in-a-sentenceWhat the…..????

What has a star and orange  got to do with “Day in a Sentence?

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog. I am honoured to again host Kevin’s “Day in a Sentence”. Your challenge for this week is to place the words ‘star’ and ‘orange’ (It can be your interpetation of orange) into your day/week in a sentence. I am looking forward to getting your replies and ‘tapping into your imaganation”.

So, I am off now to think of a sentence for me to add!!!


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23 responses to “Our star “Day in A Sentence” goes orange

  1. Quite coincidentally, I was hoping to reconsider my “Click an Orange” campaign to raise awareness of RSS this week, thanks for the reminder, you’re a star!

  2. Pingback: Peeling back the cover on Days in a Sentence | Kevin's Meandering Mind

  3. November 5, 2008: As the stars dim and the orange glow of a new day begins…change has come to America:-)

  4. The stars disappeared this morning in a blaze of orange sunlight crossing the sky.

    Thanks for sponsoring the Day in a Sentence this week. samccoy

  5. If you were to peel back my brain like an orange, at the center would be a star of pain that has come with a lingering flu which has kept me home for a few days. Blah!

    (Sorry this is so negative, but that’s how I feel right now)

  6. Cynthiaq Calvert

    My favorite part of early morning, after the first sip of coffee, of course, is seeing the last star fade as the orange rays of the sun begin to peek over the horizon.

  7. Helping students remember the Canadians who liberated the Dutch House of Orange in WWII, allowing Hollanders to see the stars in freedom, again.

  8. What a day it was—stars and oranges collide in my brain and my euphoria dims somewhat as I realize that my colleague’s son was right: “in California, we care more about chickens than gays.”

  9. the ground beneath my feet shifted last night -the stars shine brighter, oranges taste sweeter, my sleep smoother – my god but a new day has dawned.

  10. I followed my kids trick or treating for 2 hours planning on how to snatch the elusive rare orange packaged full sized Reeses Peanut Butter Cup from my daughter’s bag.

  11. In Cyberspace went Candid Ken
    A cultured pleasure star to see:
    Where Knol, the learned river, ran
    Through postings fathomless to scan
    Into an orange sea.

  12. opps..I was supposed to write:
    I followed my kids under the stars trick or treating for 2 hours planning on how to snatch the elusive rare orange packaged full sized Reeses Peanut Butter Cup from my daughter’s bag.

  13. Falling from the sky and covering the ground, the orange stars confirm the upcoming appearance of winter.

    Brrrr…. I’m not ready!

  14. Orange you glad it’s been a week of stars and change!

  15. OK, here is another one. When I saw this challenge, the question popped in my head. “Why don’t we see/use more orange sticker stars?”

  16. After a week of gloomy, overcast skies without a single glimpse of a star, (Other than our new president-elect!) I am eager to notice that the mandarin oranges are once again for sale at the roadside trucks.

  17. Today the Big Orange (UT Football Team) will come out on top of Wyoming and send Fulmer out as the star that he is!

  18. Orange stars blister
    under molten sunlit rays
    summer has arrived

  19. The morning after “seeing stars” when my dream for the country came true, I was driving to school in the “orange glow” of sunrise. I got a call that my step-daughter (a freshman at SUNY Buffalo) was being taken to the ER by ambulance! Fortunately, it was only gallstones (and not something worse) but it was a stress-ball sandwich after a night of little sleep. Today is Saturday and I’ve finally recuperated.

  20. I was going to start my sentence with ‘orange you going to write’ but someone already stole that idea so give him the gold star!

  21. It is time for me to add my comment and here it is.:-
    Colours abounded at our ‘out of uniform day” on Tuesday, to celebrate our Melbourne Cup, the horse race that stops the nation of Australia. However, there was no orange to be seen, just many students looking like movie stars.

  22. When we celebrate Harmony Day by wearing orange , we are all stars in our collective effort to bring peace and understanding to our own part of the world.

  23. At the Pow Wow, under the blue-white lights and skimming across the wooden gym floor to the steady beat of the White Hawk drum, the grass dancer’s orange and white yarn strings flowed fluidly with his mindful moves, like the grass of the prairie– waves in the wind beneath the endless stars.

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